Meniti Kasih

"Dan apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepadamu(Muhammad) tentang Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat.Aku kabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila dia berdoa kepadaKu. Hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi perintahKu dan beriman kepadaKu, agar mereka memperoleh kebenaran" (2:186)

ku lari

Ku lari ke hutan
Kemudian menyanyiku
Ku lari ke pantai
Kemudian teriakku

Sepi..sepi dan sendiri aku benci
Aku mahu bingar…aku mahu di pasar
Bosan aku dengan penat
Dan enyah saja kau pekat
Seperti berjelaga jika ku sendiri
Pecahkan saja gelasnya
Biar ramai..biar mengaduh sampai gaduh
Aihh..ada malaikat menyulam jaring labah-labah
Di tembok keraton putih
Kenapa tak goyangkan saja locengnya
Biar terdera
Atau aku harus lari ke hutan
Belok ke pantai?

curi dari filem ada apa dgn cinta...

missing something

sometimes in life, you would feel there's something wrong, something is just not right. yeah, something is MISSING. you feel incomplete, some part of you might be left somewhere else, longing to come back. the hardest part is, to know what it is.

It would need a long time to search through, you have to sit down, think. Re-calcutate, refresh. Remind yourself. Speak to someone. Pray. Pray. and Pray to God so He show you the way.

Is it the love I had during the winter? Oh, how I miss the winter. Is it the love I have for You the past 2 months? Did I lost it? Oh my, please show me, please guide me to reach it back. and properly installed it back where it should be.

or is this your sign for another one?

patiently waiting for it/Y/you.....