Meniti Kasih

"Dan apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepadamu(Muhammad) tentang Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat.Aku kabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila dia berdoa kepadaKu. Hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi perintahKu dan beriman kepadaKu, agar mereka memperoleh kebenaran" (2:186)

I want to share this poem i found from my friends. sorry that i could not acknowledge who the author is. please do Appreciate these beautiful words.. reminds me a lot to muhasabah diri sendiri dan masyarakat sekeliling..

The Wrathful

O pupils of Gaza . . .
Teach us . . .
A little of what you have
For we have forgotten . . .
Teach us . .
To be men
For we have men . .
dough they become . . .

Teach us . .
How the rocks become
in the children's hands,precious diamond . .

Strike . .Strike . . .
With all your powers
And firmly in your hands take matters
And ask us not . .
We the people of arithmetic . .
And of addition . .
And of subtraction . .
Your wars do carry on
And abstain from us . .
We're the deserters from the service,
Your ropes do bring
and hang us . . .

We're mortals . .
Who possess not tombs
And orphans . .
who possess not masters

We kept already to our rooms . .
And we asked you
To fight the dragon . .

We engage inPolitical lies . .
And repression . .
And we build graves . .
And jails . .

Liberate us . .
From the fear problem in us . .
And expel, The opium from our heads . .
Teach us . .
The art of adherence to the Land,
And leave not . .The Messiah saddened . .

Shower us . .
Heroism, and pride
And from our ugliness wash us
Wash us . .
Verily this Jewish age is an illusion . .
That shall collapse . .
Albeit sureness we possess