Meniti Kasih

"Dan apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepadamu(Muhammad) tentang Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat.Aku kabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila dia berdoa kepadaKu. Hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi perintahKu dan beriman kepadaKu, agar mereka memperoleh kebenaran" (2:186)

membaca blog

salah satu hobi para remaja sekarang ialah blogging. or else you can say, surfing just to read blog (well for those who dont really like menulis)

membaca blog org lain juga adalah salah satu kegemaran saya.. even, ntah sape2 pnya blog pun saye akan bace. i even bookmarked a blog which belongs to a lady,who is stranded, homeless, but actually had the opportunity to survive on a money she had from blogging.(well the interesting part is she starts blogging after she is homeless and shares everything on her life to the internet world... and people start to notice her) her story is really unique, proving how writing really can change life, not just our own life, but others as well.

however, not all blogs seems the bestest to read at time. I have an ex-schoolmate who blogs nearly everyday, and even me myself is a regular visitor on his blog cause I sometimes love to know what he is thinking on current issues and all.. I also admire my sahabiah's blog, which all her writings are all basically what is going on in her life. she openly tells how she felt and all, which sometimes for me, its really difficult cause I myself do not have such confidence to share it all openly to strangers or some of my friends. maybe its me who has the issue..

although I always admire my ex-schoolmate's writings (who actually writes till people can imagine him talking), I prefer to not read all of his. cause some issues he pointed out may not interest me or is it because he says TOO MUCH?? I am a person that chose "journal writing" post. basically, writing things u felt truly from your heart. not just some opinion we had on matters and just post it on blog. I do appreciate article- writing cause sometimes it gives information and stuff, but you are a human.

menulis dari hati adalah lebih penting, even dalam berdakwah, berkata2 menggunakan kata hati anda adalah lebih tulus dan menusuk kalbu, bukan dgn rehearsing dan menggunakan notes semata2..yaa saya setuju dgn ini..

my writing also needs an improvement. cause sometimes i babbled things without basically arranged in a good manner. i put myself in a training here; to write. I really wish to write a book one day. so it seems I have to practice writing. it's a gateway to become a good author.

buku yg lahir dari penulisan blog;


baca blog mmg best, provided blog tu best.

tp its too addictive, tu yg bahaye tu.
smpy atie kena boycott laptop utk focus study haha.