Meniti Kasih

"Dan apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepadamu(Muhammad) tentang Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat.Aku kabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila dia berdoa kepadaKu. Hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi perintahKu dan beriman kepadaKu, agar mereka memperoleh kebenaran" (2:186)

hadith dr fbook group

Subhannallah... sgt2 bermanfaat jga grup2 Islamik di fbook. Sy join "a hadith a day Keeps the syaitan away!" yg akan mengantar mesej 1 hadith per day ke dlm inbox members of group. Sgt2 bermanfaat buat saya yg "busy" dan tiada buku sprt Riyadus Solihin..(buku syarahan hadis imam nawawi pun blum ade.. insyaAllah on the way)

yg bestnya hadith2 adalah dlm bahasa inggeris(mudah difahami krn tak perlu pjg2 komen) dan byk berkisar tentang kehidupan routine, kdg2 ada doa dan mcm2 la tak boleh nak list semua kan..

tapi saya nk share hadith ni;

The Prophet of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "When a deceased person is laid in his grave, he hears the sound of the footsteps of people as they go away. If he is a believer, the prayer will stand by his head, the fasting will be to his right, alms to his left, and all other good deeds of charity, kindness to relations, and good behavior will be by his feet." [Ahmad]

Then two fearsome, dread-inspiring angels, called Munkar and Nakeer, visit the soul to ask it about its religion, God, and prophet. The believing soul sits upright in its grave as Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) grants it the strength to answer the angels with full faith and certainty.

Munkar and Nakeer: “What is your religion?”
Believing soul: “Islam.”
Munkar and Nakeer: “Who is your Lord?”
Believing soul: “Allah.”
Munkar and Nakeer: “Who is your Prophet?” (or “What do you say about this man?”)
Believing soul: “Muhammad.”
Munkar and Nakeer: “How did you come to know these things?”
Believing soul: “I read the Book of Allah (i.e. the Quran) and I believed it.”

Then, when the soul passes the test, a voice from the heavens will call out: “My slave has spoken the truth, supply him with furnishings from Paradise, clothe him from Paradise, and open a gate for him to Paradise.” The believer’s grave is made roomy and spacious and filled with light. He is shown what would have been his abode in Hell - had he been a wicked sinner - before a portal is opened for him every morning and evening showing him his actual home in Paradise. Excited and full of joyful anticipation, the believer will keep asking: ‘When will the Hour (of Resurrection) come?! When will the Hour come?!’ until he is told to calm down. [Tirmidhi]

masyaAllah, byk persoalan2 remeh terjwb dgn senang dgn bykkan membaca dan sharing2 kan.. jadi saya letak kt blog ni sempena tak larat pnya psl, yg mudah2 aje ye kali ni

till next time.. goodnite.